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Get PERFECT painting results by learning how to set the correct airpressure on your airbrush compressor!
Can I Use Water To Clean An AirbrushYes, if the paint you are using is water based you can rinse the airbrush paint cup out using water.Steps:Put water into paint cup;Swirl to thoroughly...
Should I Clean My Airbrush Between Colour ChangesAn airbrush cup should be cleaned between colours for two important reasons:To avoid any unwanted colour mixing,To avoid clogging and dry...
Thinning Tamiya Acrylic With Lacquer Thinner Vs Acrylic Thinner
What Do You Thin Tamiya Acrylic With For AirbrushingTamiya’s water based acrylic paint can be thinned with their proprietary X20-A acrylic thinners, iso-propyl alcohol (IPA), distilled water,...
How To Thin Out Tamiya Acrylic Paint With Tap Water For Airbrushing
What Can I Use To Thin Tamiya Acrylic PaintTamiya acrylic paint is amazingly versatile and can be thinned with more than just the Tamiya’s brand of acrylic thinner for airbrushing.While the...
How To Properly Airbrush Model Primer And Prepare It For A Top Coat
This article will give you a visual demonstration of using slightly different methods of priming, preparing a primed piece for a top coat of paint, and assessing which method is best for painting...
Enamel Vs Acrylic Vs Lacquer Model Paint CompatibilityDifferent types of model paint are compatible to an extent however must be applied in certain orders of application, and importantly, if this...